January 17, 2022 Events Bulletin

A big THANK YOU to all the volunteers who helped at the member appreciation Evening in the Garden at the Perry House on Wednesday and helped make it such a tremendous success!   If you have pictures to share, please reply to this email and send by jpg for posting on our new website or newsletter.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 7 pm Monterey City Council Public Hearing #4 on New Election Districts.  This meeting will discuss some of the districts recommended to the City Council, which can be found recently posted at: https://haveyoursaymonterey.org/districting.  Public comments can be sent to cityclerk@monterey.org.  You can view and speak at the meeting in person at City Council Chambers, or view on Comcast Channel 25, on You-Tube at youtube.com/cityofmonterey, by zoom at https://monterey-org.zoomgov.com/j/1607729333website or newsletter.

 Wednesday, January 19, 2022, 7 pm.- Old Town Neighborhood Association Board Meeting via zoom.  All residents of Old Town are invited to our board meeting via zoom at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87448450307.  

Thursday, January 20, 4 pm  – “A Tidal Odyssey: Ed Ricketts and the Making of Between Pacific Tides”, a discussion via Zoom lead by historian Tim Thomas with authors Donald Kohrs and Richard Astro on their new book of same name.  This event, sponsored by the Monterey Public Library, is free but registration is required at: https://montereypl.libcal.com/event/8722334

Saturday, January 22, 1-4 pm – Japanese American Heritage Center Reopening and Dedication of New Mural and Garden, 424 Adams Street (street across from Jack’s Park, perpendicular to entrance of Monterey Sports Center). This free community event will include the unveiling of a new mural by Pacific Grove native and muralist, Heather Seavey, daughter of historian Kent Seavey, the Japanese garden dedication, and self-guided tours of the museum.  Taiko drummers will perform at 1 pm.   Light refreshments will be served.  For more information, contact 831-648-8830 or info@jaclmonterey.org.

February 19, 2-4  pm – “A Local Treasure: Monterey County Historical Society” – at the Pacific Grove Art Center, 568 Lighthouse Avenue in Pacific Grove.  Presentation on the historical highlights of the county through eight decades, the purchase of the Boronda adobe, and the acquisition of 80,000 photos from Pat Hathaway’s collection.  Free refreshments, including Sicilian cookies from an historic recipe from Carmel Bakery, will be available after the presentation.  RSVP to wendybrickman@gmail.com or 831-633-4444.  


Free Rapid Covid TestingFree rapid covid testing may be done at Peets coffee in the Portola Hotel and Plaza, Tues-Sat 7 am to 4 pm (closed Sun/Mon), subject to availability.

The Pacific Grove Art Center has new art exhibits through February 24, as well as the work of  local winners of the youth art contest, and historical photos of Monterey County.  568 Lighthouse, open Weds-Sat 12-5 pm; Sunday 12-4 pm. 

Free Vaccine Clinic hosted by the Monterey Fire Department each Tuesday 4-7 pm at the Farmer’s Market on Alvarado Street.  Pfizer, Moderna, J&J vaccines plus boosters are offered.

Undergrounding Committee Seeks Interested Residents -Our Old Town Neighborhood Undergrounding Committee is working jointly with interested residents of Monterey Vista and New Monterey Neighborhoods to work on a plan to underground utilities. You can contact Suzie Grimes at suziegrimes@juno.com with your ideas and to become part of this committee. 

Monterey County Theater AllianceThe Monterey County Theater Alliance has been providing us many interesting theatrical presentations over zoom.  For an ongoing schedule for these events, usually free and on zoom, visit admin@theatremonterey.org.    Free theatrical presentations on topics of local history will usually show also under events.    Thank you, MCTA, for offering us so many interesting topics during the covid time of sheltering in place! 

Not Yet a Member of Old Town Neighborhood Association? Annual membership dues are $20 per household and go to help support social events and technical costs of website, Zoom meetings, and newsletter. Learn how become a member on our website! If you have any questions, contact us!

This information is being shared as a service of Old Town Neighborhood Association.  Information is presumed accurate but not guaranteed, and always subject to change.