This committee exists to underground utilities for the safety, beauty, and the future of our neighborhoods…
With concerns for aesthetics and for wildfires that have been attributed to utility lines in recent years, many residents of Old Town are looking to see utilities put underground. Old Town Neighborhood Undergrounding efforts are headed by Suzie Grimes. Members meet monthly with other neighborhoods to discuss implementing this citywide. This joint meeting is held by zoom the third Monday of every month. You can contact Suzie using our contact form (select “Monterey Undergrounding” for the subject regarding your interest). We encourage you to attend the meetings with link found on and become involved.
With the numerous fallen trees pulling power lines down during the January 2023 winter storms, public safety has been a major concern. The number of wires stretching across major arteries like Pacific Street or hidden within tall trees in Monterey lead to real safety concerns, not only of live wires but blocked access to evacuation routes.
The Monterey Undergrounding committee has worked to investigate many ways the city could use to underground our utilities and increase safety, and we ask residents to respond to our survey to help us in communicating with the city about this. Please take a few minutes to read about these options and complete this important survey. Go to Although we ask for your name and address to prevent duplication, your information will be kept private and only used collectively. If you want to take the survey again, only your last survey will be used.