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Get Involved

We have a lot going on in OTNA, learn more about the projects and opportunities to connect with your neighbors.

Social Events

The Old Town Neighborhood Association typically hosts a social event or program once a quarter. We also invite speakers to our board meetings, usually on a current issue or topic of interest.

Neighborhood Improvement Program

The Neighborhood and Community Improvement Program is a citywide program where funds from the Transient Occupancy Tax are divided into the different neighborhoods in our community to be used for projects deemed important to the neighborhoods.

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is a nationally developed, locally implemented initiative that teaches people how to better prepare themselves for emergencies such as major earthquakes, storms, or fires.

Monterey Undergrounding

With concerns for aesthetics and for wildfires that have been attributed to utility lines in recent years, many residents of Old Town are looking to see utilities put underground. We have a committee, headed by Suzie Grimes, that meets with neighboring Monte Vista Neighborhood Association, to discuss implementing this in our neighborhoods.