Please remember to complete our NCIP survey by May 28, now also on our website at:
Events Coming Up:
Monday, May 27, 2024, 1 pm. – Memorial Day Concert by the Monterey Pops! on Colton Hall Lawn. 1pm – Latin Jazz Collective; 2 pm Monterey Pops! Orchestra performs.
Wednesday, May 29, 7 pm – Old Town Roundtable Discussion of Neighborhood and Community Improvement Projects– A special Old Town NCIP Roundtable will be held in the Community Room of the McKone Building, 499 Pierce Street at the corner of Jefferson. We will be discussing the projects to be voted on by the NCIP committee June 6. The most recent published list of the projects as of April 26, 2024 is attached. Note that some have had changes or been withdrawn, and it does not include full descriptions, but questions or comments may be sent to our NCIP rep, Susan Ricketson, at, or asked at the meeting. If you have not already sent in your survey, please do so before May 28. We hope you will join us to discuss your priorities. Cookies will be provided. You can also join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Password: 750904
Saturday, June 1, 10 am – “Beneath the Waves: A Deep Dive into Monterey Bay’s Shark Stories”. Walk the wharf area with historian Tim Thomas while he discusses the fascinating subject of sharks in our bay. Free but advance reservations are required by calling Tim Thomas at 831-521-3304 or via email The tour is for ages 10-adult and limited to 15 people.
Saturday, June 1, 11:15-3:00 pm La Merienda –Merienda is SOLD OUT. The Merienda is Monterey’s celebration of the 254th anniversary of the founding of our pueblo, held in the Memory Garden behind the Pacific House. The senses are enlivened by this colorful and extravagant celebration featuring a barbecue buffet of stellar food prepared by chefs from Old Fisherman’s Grotto and their team and served by local celebrities. Mariachis, folklorico dancing on stage, and exquisite pageantry mark this as a signature event for Monterey, rarely seen by non-locals.
Sunday, June 2, 2024, 10 am-6 pm -Meet the June Featured Artist, France Ruhnke presenting her collections “Haute Couture”, “Botanical”, and “Continuity” at Venture Gallery, 260 Alvarado Street. Her collection will be on display through June 30.
Thursday, June 6, 6 pm – Neighborhood and Community Improvement Meeting at City Council Chambers for final voting of projects for fiscal year 2024-25. Hear the final discussions of projects and votes by the neighborhood NCIP represents.
Friday, June 7-Sunday June 9 – Jade Festival in the Custom House Plaza. Friday 1-7, Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 10-4 pm.
Sunday, June 9, 6-8 pm. Trivia Night with Jeopardy! Master Sam Buttrey to benefit the Monterey Public Library Friends and Foundation. Teams of 5 or 6 will compete and between rounds, we’ll learn what it’s like to play on America’s favorite game show. Light appetizers and refreshments will be served. Space is limited and registration is required at
Scholarship Applications Requested – The Monterey County Historical Society is pleased to announce that its new website has been launched and that one of the most important components of its website is to solicit scholarship applications. Please view their new site at:
Tiny Treasures Art Show Solicits Original Art Donations in support of the non-profit Pacific Grove Art Center, 568 Lighthouse Avenue, Pacific Grove, between April 13-June 20 Wednesday-Saturday 12-5 and Sundays 12-4 except 4/28 and 5/5. A maximum of three original pieces, no larger than 8×10 inches including frame, may be submitted, ready to hang. These will be exhibited on July 5 at the opening reception of the fundraiser from 7-9 pm.
Monterey CERT new training class will be held on May 4, 11, and 18 each day 8-5 pm. Attendance all three days is necessary to graduate. Classes teach basic preparedness skills, plus valuable skills on searching for lost persons, helping our fire and police departments in duties that relieve them to handle emergencies, such as crowd control and setting up a rehab station for first responders. You can sign up to participate by emailing with your full name, physical resident address, cell and home phone numbers, and the email you most commonly use.
Venture Galler Featured May Artist – Cheryl Kemp. See her collection entitled “Coastal Connections” at the gallery at 260 Alvarado through the month of May.
STORM HELP- Free Sandbags are available to fill at the Fire Station, Pacific and Jefferson Streets. Free charging of phone and warmth are offered at the Monterey Public Library.
Monterey County’s New Emergency Alerting System is up and available. Residents need to update or create an account by visiting Official public safety text messages will come from 65513 and phone calls will come from 831-308-4911. For more information, visit
Monterey’s Rental Registry Opens. Effective January 1, 2024, owners of rental property in Monterey must register their rental unit on the city’s new Rental Inventory Portal prior to March 1. If an owner owns and manages three or less rental units in Monterey, an exemption may be requested, but filing for the exemption must also be done by March 1. More information and the form to register can be found at
Monterey’s City Engagement Survey – Help the city assess various programs by taking their survey at:
UNDERGROUNDING SURVEY – If you haven’t yet, please go to and complete an important survey. Also, let them know if you want to be part of this committee.
Old Town Neighborhood Association’s website is LIVE! Visit for the latest on events, issues, and to find the Historic Homes self-guided walk featuring historic homes in our Old Town neighborhood.
Are you interested in finding others with your interests? Below are some of the other local organizations that welcome new members:
American Association of University Women – This national organization promotes equity for women in the workplace and in education. In addition to supporting education through scholarships, they have book clubs, social events, monthly speakers, a Romancing the Coast monthly adventure, a hiking/walking group, and other interesting events. See for more information.
Monterey Civic Club – Founded in 1906, the club owns and meets monthly at the House of the Four Winds, located at 540 Calle Principal. This beautiful and historic adobe is believed to be the oldest women’s clubhouse in continuous use in the United States. Members meet the first Tuesday of each month for lunch and a social program ($20), often with a speaker of importance to members. Contact (831) 747-1072 for more information.
Corral of Westerners – Local group of western history buffs meets at St. Timothy’s fellowship basement room, 52 Soledad in Monterey on the second Monday each month to hear a speaker on topics of history in the west, with emphasis on our local area. $2.00/meeting (annual dues $20). Refreshments served.
Gentrain Society is an organization for life-long learners. They generally meet the first and third Wednesdays from 1:30-2:30 at the Monterey Peninsula College Lecture Forum #103. Lectures are free and open to the public (except $3.00 parking fee). Topics range from drama, history, and understanding civilizations and more. Courses are also offered, along with trips organized for special events. To see more information, visit
Not Yet a Member of Old Town Neighborhood Association? Annual membership dues are just $20 for two adults in your household, which helps support social events and technical costs of website, Zoom meetings, and newsletter. Learn how to become a member on our website! If you have any questions, contact us! All residents living above Pacific St between the creek near Madison and the Presidio/DLI are eligible. Checks to OTNA can be mailed, along with your names, address, phone and email to our address below. Old Town Neighborhood Association P O Box 724, Monterey, CA 93942 |
This information is being shared as a service by Old Town Neighborhood Association. Information is presumed accurate, but is not guaranteed, and always subject to change. Visit our website at